Zum Energiecheck

Climate protection takes place on many levels. With the interactive energy check scienceintermedia developed an exciting new exhibit that demonstrates in an entertaining manner the potential of efficient energy use in the household and the possibilities of personal climate change commitment.

The story behind the game is: whoever can lower their private energy consumption, conserve resources, save money and help the environment is a winner. The interactive energy game offers users of every age active participation in dealing with the issues surrounding energy consumption and budget.

The core of the energy game is a virtual home in which the user enters searching for energy wasters. Parameters, such as home size, year and number of persons can be set individually by the player. They are equipped with an initial budget so energy saving devices can be purchased to improve efficiency. Within the game visitors get valuable tips on how heating and electricity costs can be reduced for the most part using very simple measures.

The savings, the current energy consumption and CO2 emissions will be presented to the user immediately, using multimodal mode. In addition the consumption is displayed on an analogue scale that affects an LED, the station has an industrial look, a digital display and a colour-changing budget water column that displays the CO2 emissions.

The game is hosted by a smart robot that assists the player in navigating the digital model of the house, it also acts as a charming host for the integrated energy quiz. Scoring improves the energy efficiency and simultaneously increases the investment budget. At the end of the game the personal analysis shows the results and presents valuable energy saving tips and further links. These can be printed directly or sent to an email address of the user’s choice.