
Interactive Touch Table about the Exploring energy supply

How does natural gas get to Germany from overseas? Where is it stored? How and where will green hydrogen be produced in the future? What role does LNG play in the transport sector? And what usage scenarios and business models are conceivable in the future? The entire value chain of gas and hydrogen-based energy supply can be explored on a large-format touch display.

Visitors can not only get an overview of the current supply structure, but also take a look into the future. This makes it clear with what emphasis the various parties are currently pushing forward the expansion of the infrastructure.

  • Client

    LNG Agency Lower Saxony

  • Year


  • Tasks

    Conception, Editing, Illustration, Interaction Design, Interface Design, Application Development, Exhibit Construction

LNG in the Energy Supply Reducing Emissions

While the natural gas shortage caused by the war in Ukraine recently highlighted the need for an independent energy supply, the challenges of a sustainable energy transition are pointing the way for the expansion and restructuring of the German energy supply. The transport sector is still the largest emitter. Green hydrogen and electromobility offer great potential here, but are not feasible for shipping, air traffic and long-distance road freight transport, or can only be implemented in the very long term.

One way to reduce emissions in mobility is to use renewable, gas-based fuels. LNG (liquefied natural gas) is already increasingly being used as a fuel in shipping and heavy trucks. The North German coastal region plays a key role in this with the landing and regasification of LNG.

The LNG Agency Lower Saxony

The activities of the LNG Agency aim to expand the LNG network and develop an LNG strategy for the North Sea region with a wide range of information offerings.