Explore Langeneß in a playful way
Game- & Information Offer
With the Hallig Simulator, we have created a very special game and information offer for the Klimahaus Bremerhaven. An interactive hidden object game in which you get to know the people and their lives on Langeness, experience a storm surge and collect flotsam and jetsam together.
Theme Matrix & Digital Map
On a large-format touch display you get to know the people on Langeness and collect flotsam and jetsam. Life on the Hallig Langeness has always been characterized by the struggle with the forces of nature and the constant adaptation of the people to the sea. When the storm tide whips over the Hallig, only the so-called terps protrude from the North Sea: they provide shelter for livestock and people.
But even when the weather is fine, life on Langeness is quite challenging. The farms are supplied by ship or by motorized lorry via the narrow causeway. Despite these adverse conditions, people have settled on Langeness for centuries and have come to terms with the challenges of life on the island in many different ways.
Illustrated Map
Exploring the Hallig
On an animated map view, visitors can navigate to the various stations on the Hallig and get to know the people.
To explore the Hallig, a vehicle (cargo bike or electric van) must first be selected, which can be moved across the Hallig using drag-and-drop. At each station, a dialog window opens with exciting stories about life on the Hallig in the form of texts, pictures and videos.
Lots to discover:
Hallig wedding, seals & island train station
There are lots of little animated stories and details to discover in the lovingly designed interactive hidden object picture: Hallighochochzeit, Seehundbank and Inselbahnhof. If you head for the terps, you can find out more about everyday life on the Hallig in pictures, text and video. In addition to the traditional way of life of the inhabitants, the urgency of action in the face of climate change becomes clear - every few minutes, visitors can witness an official storm surge. Once the water has receded, the aim is to clear the island of washed-up flotsam and jetsam in a collaborative clean-up game. To do this, the players at the table have to drag and drop the flotsam scattered around the island onto the garbage trolleys. The game gets hectic as the clean-up operation takes place under time pressure. The aim is to collect as many objects as possible in sixty seconds.
The Hallig simulator is the first interactive offer on the journey along the 8th longitude in the Klimahaus. During implementation, particular attention was therefore paid to ensuring that the digital exhibit fits in with the overall staging.