
Conference Book Design Contributions to exhibition practice

We designed a comprehensive publication and photo documentation for the symposium at experimenta Heilbronn.

It's clear that visiting an exhibition is a social experience. But what shapes and stimulates social interactions in exhibitions? The 2nd Inter.Aktion symposium addressed these questions in a tried-and-tested mix of lectures, workshops, successful practical examples and high-caliber debates.

In July 2023, Experimenta Heilbronn hosted the second three-day symposium “Inter.aktion - Promoting Social Interaction through Exhibitions” to share practical experiences and discuss results from research and development with experts.

  • Client

    experimenta Heilbronn

  • Year


  • Tasks

    Concept, Editing, Photo Documentation, Illustration, Layout, Production

To the Publication

Photo Special "Don't speak!"

What role do interactive exhibits, targeted communication impulses and new technologies play in this? Which research approaches can we use to capture social dynamics? How can we understand, support and promote joint action and the joint construction of knowledge?

The participants and speakers at the conference explored these questions not only in workshops and lectures, but also in the accompanying photo documentation “Don't speak!”. Here, the experts were asked to express their opinions in pictures without using words.

The results of this exchange can now be read in the form of a conference volume. On more than 200 pages, exhibition organizers and researchers report on their experiences and take an exciting look at the practice of museums and science centers. We were responsible for the editorial and design of the interactive publication and enriched it with loving illustrations and infographics and, last but not least, comprehensive photo documentation.